A few short but sweet 3Q's with Italian musician and composer, Caterina Barbieri.

She is performing at Age of Reflections in LA this Saturday, 9/28, with electronic music pioneer Jill Fraser.
You know we'll be there! Tickets.
Synth History: What are a few of your favorite synths at the moment and why?
Caterina: At the moment I am enjoying playing the Roland SH-101. I just used it again after some years for a collaboration with visual artist Weirdcore. The sound quality of that synth is pure ecstasy. It gives me shivers every time I play with the glide and filter.
Synth History: Do you remember your first synth? What was it and do you still have it?
Caterina: My very first synth was a little Casio keyboard that my grandfather gave me when I was seven years old. I would just listen to the demo songs on repeat over and over again, and try all the different presets to create sound stories that I would then play for my parents. I later gave that synth to my boyfriend from high school who did circuit bending on it and turned into an even cooler piece of gear. I think he still has it!
Synth History: What is your favorite part about playing live?
Caterina: I like how music unfolds as a living organism in a performance. I grow as my music grows, in a cosmic breath. Music comes as a gift, in a pause of space and time.

Synth History Exclusive.
Interview conducted by Danz.